The QL-20™ Contour Projector® is a precision instrument designed for the shop floor. QL-20 has extensive standard features and a range of options that allow users to configure a system to meet specific measurement needs. QL-20 has an upright and unreversed image, as well as a high load capacity, cast iron, nickel-plated worktable. The QL-20 offers:
Fast and easy measurements – Eye level 24-inch diameter glass screen with 20-inch viewing area and conveniently located DRO
Adjustable for variable intensity light control- Versatile TruLight® LED lighting illumination
Ideal for real world, shop floor environments in a benchtop configuration – High load capacity, nickel-plated worktable easily accommodates large, heavy machined parts and fixtures
Full automation – Optional VidiProbe video measurement and eCAD® virtual chart gage systems